Características destacadas
- MODBUS TCP: 10/100 Mbit Ethernet
- MODBUS RTU: RS232, RS485 or RS422
- Transparent conversion of MODBUS TCP to MODBUS RTU or ASCII.
- MODBUS RTU/ASCII over RS485, RS422 or RS232.
- Two communication sockets on one Modbus Port.
- One port for RAW data communication (Ethernet to RSxxx converter).
- Configuration: Internal web pages or via Telnet.
- Power supply range: 8 - 30 V DC
- TCP2RTU works both directions since version 1.4. Either as a Modbus gateway (Master) or as a Modbus Slave.
- This product has been manufactured by Papouch s.r.o. Both hardware and firmware can be modified to suit your needs.
TCP2RTU is a transparent both directions converter of the MODBUS TCP protocol, running over Ethernet, into the MODBUS RTU/ASCII protocol, running over RS232, RS485 and RS422 lines. TCP2RTU works both directions since version 1.4. Either as a Modbus gateway (Master) or as a Modbus Slave.
TCP2RTU has been produced in three versions according to the type of the communication line for MODBUS RTU/ASCII. Configuration can be made over the internal WEB interface.
The following picture shows an example of a system communication the MODBUS TCP and RTU protocol.